Harris-Courage & Grady, PLLC

How Much Does It Cost to File Bankruptcy?

This is a question everyone needs to have answered. The costs for bankruptcy can vary depending on what kind of bankruptcy you are filing. Chapter 7 bankruptcies and Chapter 13 bankruptcies entail different costs.
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Harris-Courage & Grady, PLLC

What is a Deed In Lieu?

The foreclosing mortgage company is suggesting a Deed In Lieu. What is that? It is very expensive and time consuming for a mortgage company to foreclose. Sometimes, instead of foreclosing, they will ask you to sign a Deed In Lieu.
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Harris-Courage & Grady, PLLC

Welcome Summer with Fresh Fruits and Vegetables!

June is National Fruit and Vegetable Month. What better way to celebrate than by a trip to your local farmers’ market? Farmers’ markets have the freshest, tastiest, and most economical produce around. Fruits and vegetables from farmers’ markets are the freshest you can get, and you will taste the difference.
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Harris-Courage & Grady, PLLC

What Type of Person Files Bankruptcy?

The common myth is that only financially irresponsible people file bankruptcy. This is propaganda the financial industry spends tens of thousands of dollars yearly to promote, and it just isn’t true. The truth is that most people who file bankruptcy have suffered a serious life event such as...
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Harris-Courage & Grady, PLLC

STOP Using Your Credit Cards

If you are thinking about filing bankruptcy, STOP using your credit cards! Many of our clients use all of their income to pay their credit card bills and then use their credit cards to pay for their living expenses. If this sounds familiar, STOP. Today.
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Harris-Courage & Grady, PLLC

Don’t Set Your Family up for a Lawsuit

Kathryn (fictional example) borrowed $2,000 from her parents to help buy some Christmas presents for the kids and pay the electric bill and past due rent. She usually gets a substantial tax refund and promised to pay them back when it arrived.
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Harris-Courage & Grady, PLLC

Should I Get a Reverse Mortgage?

Reverse mortgages are available to homeowners aged 62 or older. In a traditional mortgage, you make payments to a loan company. In a reverse mortgage, you receive payments from a loan company but continue to live in your home. When your home is sold, either when you choose to leave or after your death, the loan company is repaid out of your equity.
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