Harris-Courage & Grady, PLLC

All About Credit Card Delinquency

Your account becomes delinquent when you do not make at the least the minimum credit card payment. Delinquency is separated into degrees that indicate how many payments have been missed.
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Harris-Courage & Grady, PLLC

5 Things to Teach Your Kids About Money

If you could go back in time and avoid all of your financial mistakes, your life would probably look a little different. Though it’s never too late to make improvements, it’s much easier to prevent problems than it is to solve them.
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Harris-Courage & Grady, PLLC

6 Steps to Organizing Your Finances

Organizing your finances will make a big difference in your life. You won’t have to wonder where your money goes, or how you’re going to pay your bills.
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Harris-Courage & Grady, PLLC

What is the process for filing bankruptcy?

Filing bankruptcy is a process and journey with many steps. It really is impossible to provide a full explanation in just one blog post, but we can give you a peek behind the curtain.
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Harris-Courage & Grady, PLLC

What Happens to My Credit After I File Bankruptcy in Syracuse?

It may be hard to believe, but your credit score can actually improve when you file bankruptcy! Why? Because you don’t owe your unsecured creditors any more. Yes, the bankruptcy will be on your credit report for 10 years after you file a bankruptcy in Syracuse, but that doesn’t mean that you’ll never be approved for credit again.
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Harris-Courage & Grady, PLLC

What Documents Are Needed to File Bankruptcy in Syracuse?

Under the new bankruptcy law, people filing bankruptcy in Syracuse must provide a lot of documentation to support their bankruptcy petition. In addition, as attorneys, we have a duty under the new bankruptcy law to make sure the things you tell us are correct.
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Harris-Courage & Grady, PLLC

Behind on Your Mortgage?

What are my options if I’m behind in my mortgage? There are several potential options if you are behind in your mortgage. Having worked as a creditor attorney helping mortgage companies, I know how the mortgage companies work and how they think.
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Harris-Courage & Grady, PLLC

Start Saving Now to Avoid Holiday Debt

You might remember your parents putting money into a “Christmas Club” account when you were a child. It was common to use these accounts to save money for the holidays. Saving just $5 – $10 a week could add up to a nicer Christmas. Maybe your parents were on to something.
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