When stress comes into your life, often the only thing you can control is your reaction to it.
The better you get at controlling your reaction, the better you’ll get at transforming bad situations into positive ones.
Stress provides the body with energy. Follow these tips to learn how to use that energy for good!
They can work no matter if the source of the stress in your life is money, conflict, job, health, uncertainty, family, or something else!
Start your day stress-free. Remember, today is the first day of the rest of your life. Give thanks for the new day. Take time to remind yourself of what you have to be thankful for, rather than jumping into stressful thoughts immediately. A positive start to the day will carry through the rest of it.
Make your self-talk positive. The things you say to yourself impact your mood, stress level, decisions, and behavior. Be kind to yourself with the things you say. Congratulate yourself for successes, even small ones. When you make a mistake, and everyone does, give yourself permission to try again.
Simplify your life. If you are carrying around burdens that add stress and don’t provide you any benefit, let them go. A good example of this is financial stress from excess debt—just let it go! Filing bankruptcy is the quickest way to let go of the burdens caused by excess debt. Our office is here to help.
Exercise. Exercising sometimes feels like one more thing to add to your to-do list, but the benefits far outweigh the time it takes. Studies have shown that as little as 5 minutes of daily aerobic exercise will provide you with anti-stress benefits. Exercising also helps clarify your thinking by sending more oxygen to your brain. Even if all you do is take the stairs instead of the elevator, find ways to incorporate more exercise into your life.
Look for the silver lining. Bad things happen to everyone, but there’s usually something good to be found if you look. Focus on seeing the good and acting on the good no matter your situation. Ask yourself what you can learn from a bad situation. As you practice looking for the good, you’ll have less time to stress about the negative aspects of your situation.
A good, stress-free plan is to implement just one or two of these tips at a time. Soon, they’ll become your new habits and keep your stress levels low. As you succeed in one area, you can tackle another.
Stress will always exist, but if you use the energy it provides to your advantage, you’ll feel healthier, happier, and more successful.