Ever gotten a credit card offer in the mail? You’re not alone. You may be surprised to learn that credit card offers come even to people with very poor credit. Studies have shown that people who file bankruptcy will receive more credit card offers than the average American. Why? Credit card companies are in it for the money. They make much more money from cardholders who carry balances and frequently pay late fees than they do from people who pay off their bills every month. Credit card companies know that people who have filed bankruptcy used to carry high balances and assume that pattern will continue in the future.
People who have filed bankruptcy are especially attractive to credit card companies because they are not permitted to file bankruptcy again for another 8 years. During this time, they cannot get out of paying all the high interest and late fees the credit card companies want to charge them.
Whether or not you are thinking of filing bankruptcy, you can stop receiving credit card offers by mail if you’d like to. People may choose to opt out for a variety of reasons, ranging from preventing themselves from overspending to eliminating some of their junk mail.
It’s easy to opt out of receiving credit card offers, and you can choose to opt out for 5 years or permanently. Most credit card offers come from mailing lists provided by the credit reporting bureaus, and they are required by law to allow you to opt out of receiving them.
To opt out for 5 years, you can call 1-888-567-8688 or visit www.optoutprescreen.com and submit the opt-out form online. Be prepared to give your name, address, social security number, and date of birth.
To opt out permanently, you will need to visit www.optoutprescreen.com and print their permanent opt-out form. You will need to complete the form and mail it in. This is because they must have your signature to make the opt-out permanent.
You should be aware that even after you opt out, it is possible that you will receive credit card offers from companies that do not use the credit bureau’s mailing list. For instance, your bank may offer you a credit card without going through the credit reporting bureaus. However, opting out of this list will significantly reduce the number of credit card offers you receive.
Consider opting out of credit card offers. It doesn’t take long to do, and you will not miss them when they’re gone.