Filing bankruptcy is a big decision. Some people think that filing bankruptcy means that you have been irresponsible, or that you are a failure.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
Most people who file bankruptcy have suffered a major setback such as a job loss, health crisis, or a divorce.
Bankruptcy allows you to put these setbacks and their associated debts behind you and get a fresh start.
You don’t have to just take our word on this.
A recent Princeton University study examined the finances of more than 500,000 bankruptcy filers 5 years before and 5 years after they filed bankruptcy. The study found that bankruptcy has tremendous benefits for people who successfully file.
The study found:
People who filed Chapter 13 bankruptcy earned on average $5,500 more per year than those who didn’t file.
For filers aged 25-40, the average salary increase was more than $7,800.
Chapter 13 filers were less likely to lose their homes to foreclosure than the people who didn’t file.
They were more likely to work and less likely to be on welfare.
Chapter 13 filers also lived longer than the people who didn’t file.
Bankruptcy also relieved a lot of unnecessary stress for people who filed. The study reported that 84 percent of people said they were extremely stressed before they filed for bankruptcy, but only 35 percent were extremely stressed after filing.
Bankruptcy is a legal way to deal with overwhelming debt. It provides a way to let it go and get a fresh start. When you hire a bankruptcy attorney in Syracuse, it’s like putting on your oxygen mask first, so that you can move forward.
Are you ready to eliminate your financial stresses? Make 2016 the year you overcome your financial difficulties. Our Syracuse bankruptcy attorney’s office offers a free, confidential, no-obligation phone consultation to see if bankruptcy is the right option for you.