Some of our clients need to file bankruptcy as a result of a job loss. We want to help you be successful in regaining employment, or in finding a job you love.
Remember, when you’re searching for a job, your qualifications are only part of the package. Employers also want candidates who are courteous and respectful.
Good manners show an employer that you know how to work as a team, develop relationships with clients, and protect the company’s public reputation. Consider these etiquette tips for networking, interviewing, and other job hunting situations.
Focus on giving. If you feel awkward about asking for help, remember that networking is mutually beneficial. Think about what you can give to your contacts. Even if there’s nothing you can do for them immediately, they may be flattered to know that you value their opinion.
Be consistent. Treat everyone with respect, whether they’re a receptionist or a CEO. You want to make a favorable impression with everyone in the office.
Alert your references. Let others know if you plan to use them for references. Make the process as easy as possible by giving them your resume or drafting letters they can edit as needed.
Shine online. Take a look at your social media profiles and ensure you come across as professional and courteous. Many companies research candidates online, and they could be checking on you before you even apply for a job.
Come prepared. Do your homework so you’ll know as much as you can about the company and the employees you’ll be interviewing with.
Dress appropriately. Part of your research is identifying the organizational culture. A business suit is still a safe choice for a conservative workplace, but you may want to wear less formal separates for more casual settings. Whatever you decide, ensure you’re neat and well groomed.
Show up on time. Try to arrive about 10 to 15 minutes before your interview so you can double check your appearance and collect your thoughts. If you’re kept waiting, read company literature or go over your notes.
Put away your phone. Turn the volume off on your phone and any other devices. Keep your phone out of sight if you have trouble resisting the urge to check for messages.
After the Interview
Follow up. Remember to send a prompt thank you by email or regular mail. Not everyone does this, and it will make you stand out.
Set limits. It’s natural to feel eager about finding a job, but you want to avoid irritating others by being too persistent. Ask their advice about when to be in touch before you leave the interview.
Use proper etiquette to impress employers and increase your chances of being hired. Mind your manners and treat others the way you want to be treated.