Organizing your finances will make a big difference in your life. You won’t have to wonder where your money goes, or how you’re going to pay your bills.
Use these steps to take charge and get organized.
Make a budget & evaluate it each month. Ensure that your budget is accurate. No two months are ever the same, so be sure your budget shows your actual expenses for the upcoming month. For example, heating and cooling bills can change a lot from month to month, depending on the weather.
Use a budgeting app or website. Some of the apps available now can really help you to get organized, track your spending and bills, and help with budgeting. It’s easier to stay within your budget when you can do it on the go. Many programs are free, such as Mint.com, Mvelopes and Goodbudget.
Keep all your bills in one place. Keeping one specific location for all your bills will ensure that nothing gets lost, and it’ll also give you the best chance to ensure that everything gets paid on time. Keep your bills close to where you normally sit and pay them. Make sure they’re visible so you don’t forget to pay them.Shred any old bills that you don’t need to keep for your records to protect yourself from identity theft.
Pay your bills weekly. Set aside a time each week to pay any bills that are due in the next couple of weeks. Make a habit of paying (or at least reviewing) your bills on that same day. Developing good habits is a big part of staying organized.
Make a checklist of your bills. This should include all of your recurring bills. Then, when the bill arrives, you can note the day it arrived, the amount due, the date it’s due, and the day you actually paid it. Any non-recurring bills can be added to the checklist when they arrive. If you use a calendar on your phone, you can set reminders to make sure you always pay your bills by the time they are due.
Communicate regularly with anyone who shares your account(s). Regular communication will help you avoid conflict about your accounts. Whoever pays the bills needs to know what the other person is doing with the account. Develop a communication system that meets your needs.
Take the time to develop a financial organization system that works for you. These steps will provide a foundation for your organization effort. If you are struggling to organize overwhelming debt or even considering filing for bankruptcy in New York, give us a call. We can help find a solution that works for you.